Get involved


As the sidesperson for the week you hand out the hymn books, orders of service and the printed weekly sheet before the service starts.  You greet new members of the congregation and invite them to stay for coffee afterwards.  Additionally you select two people to take the Elements (bread, wine and water) to the altar after the intercessions, and one or two to take up the collection. At the end of the service, you collect the hymn books and restack them on the trolley.



This is offering the wine during Holy Communion.  This duty is performed by selected members of the congregation, nominated by the Church Council and approved by our bishop in London.



In each service, there are normally three readings.  The Gospel is read by our chaplain, and the preceding two readings are given by members of the congregation.  All this requires is a good clear voice.


Leading the intercessions

These are the prayers after the sermon and before the Peace. The usual pattern is to pray for the Church, the world, the local community, those in need and ourselves.


Coffee service

Our tradition of sharing coffee and biscuits after services is very special to us because it gives us the opportunity to welcome new visitors, make new friends and catch up with the old ones. Offering hospitality is a distinctive feature of our church and a great contrast with other local churches. Coffee service includes making coffee before the service, bringing biscuits, milk and cold drinks as well as taking cups home to be washed. If you want to join our rota, have a word with Hamish Cooper for Bonn or with Rebecca-Rita Zaun for Cologne. Or drop us a line: .

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